A massive SHOUT OUT and THANK YOU to the team at EG for screening this film to staff involved in EGS NO BACON. We are thrilled to see the film being used in such a wonderful and thought provoking way.
At the Australian Television and Media Group, we love telling stories which encourage us to look at who we are, ask how we got to where we are, and to consider where we would like to go. We believe the stories we tell and watch help to shape the way we understand ourselves and the world around us.
The ETERNITY story is one which provides a mirror, or a lens, through which we can see ourselves and understand our history. More than that, it is a story which also provides an insight into where we, as a nation, are headed and what we value today.
I hope you enjoy the film, and I am looking forward to joining the EGS NO BACON discussion on Tuesday 15 November, 2022 - which will be one day after the 90 year anniversary of the first time Arthur Stace wrote Eternity!
Please scroll to the bottom of this page to view Written in Chalk: the echo of Arthur Stace.
Richard Attieh
(Director and Executive Producer)
Relive the most spectacular New Year's Eve Fireworks Australia has ever hosted, and look at how the final message of the celebrations, ETERNITY, continues to echo in Australia and around the world today.
This next chapter of the ETERNITY story builds on the work of internationally renowned cultural and artistic legends Arthur Stace, Martin Sharp, Ignatius Jones, Ric Birch, Lawrence Johnston, Dion Beebe, Sir Jonathan Mills and many others.
ETERNITY is an endearing story which captures the imagination of people the world over; in theatre, music, street art, social activism, tertiary education, climate change, literature, hospitality, and in the everyday.
For some, ETERNITY is an iconic artwork. To others, it's about cultural expression and identity. And to others still, it provides a lens through which we can relive and understand Australia's recent history.
The cast includes Eddie McGuire (Channel 9 Millennium Fireworks TV Host), Ignatius Jones (Millennium Fireworks Creative Director), Ric Birch (Executive Creative Director, Sydney Olympic Games), Amylia Harris (Artistic Director, Darlinghurst Theatre Company), Sulari Gentill (Crime Fiction Writer), Joy Cooksey (Artist), Frank Sartor (former Sydney Lord Mayor), George Semaan (Eternity Café, Town Hall), Roy Williams and Elizabeth Meyers (co-authors, Mr Eternity, the biography of Arthur Stace), and many others.
Featured Cast
Trailer (3.30min):
Full Documentary (70 mins)